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Month: February 2021

Chickens at Chabad Tokyo

Chickens at Chabad Tokyo

With the coronavirus spreading in the spring of 2020, Rabbi Edery thought of a way to occupy the children. Being indoors all the time would be hard. The solution: He bought 10 Boris Brown, chicks from Kyoto, and sent them via Yamato (a Japanese shipping company) to Tokyo. The city office explained that up to 50 chickens were allowed. The delivery man said, that in all his 30 years of service, this was the first time that he delivered live chickens! After about four months they started laying eggs. The chickens and their eggs became a big hit with the Edery kids, and for the neighbors, it was a deal-breaker! They love them!



1年前、ちょうど世の中でコロナウィルスについてのニュースが報道され始めた頃、クルーズ船「ダイヤモンドプリンセス」が横浜・大黒埠頭に停泊しました。イスラエルやオーストラリア、アメリカほかの国々からの乗客が船内に隔離され、コロナに感染した人々は病院に収容され、帰宅できるまでに2か月かかりました。私たちはすぐに、助けるための手立てを探り始めました。経験から、お役所仕事とは時間がかかるもので、困っている人たちは、すぐに必要な支援を受けることができません。行動はすぐに起こす必要がありました。私たちは、平日と安息日にも、温かい食事を詰めた箱を直接船に配達しました。乗客が必要としているものはたくさんありましたが、船上で入手することは不可能でした。私たちは、乗客の一人一人から「欲しい物リスト」をもらって、必要な品物を箱に入れました。愛情や気遣いを感じてほしかったし、孤独ではないと感じてもらうためなら何でもするということを知ってほしかったからです。このようにして乗客の感情を支え、このつらい経験の間ずっと、誰かがそばにいるということをわかってもらいたかったのです。コロナウィルス初期のこの、予測不可能だった混乱期には、これが最も重要な点でした。 親愛なる友人のアリク・アムサレムには、可能な限りの時間や人脈、資金、労力、愛情を捧げてくれたことに心からの感謝を捧げます。


After one of the passengers was released from the hospital in Japan.
Kosher meals for Coronavirus passengers on Diamond Princess
Kosher meals for Coronavirus passengers on Diamond Princess
Chabad of Tokyo brings relief during Coronavirus outbreak

Chabad of Tokyo brings relief during Coronavirus outbreak

One year ago, when the world started to hear about the Coronavirus, there was a Cruise ship, the ‘’Diamond Princess’’ that anchored in Yokohama shore. Passengers who joined the cruise from Israel, Australia the US, and other countries, ended up staying quarantined on board, getting sick with Corona, hospitalized, and finally were able to go back home after two months. We plunged straight into finding a way to help them out. From our experience, government bureaucracy takes a long time and people in distress don’t get the support they need in time. Action had to be taken and quickly.

We sent care packages and boxes of warm food that was delivered directly onto the ship, during the weekdays and also for Shabbat. There were many items they needed and could not get on the ship. We got wish lists from each passenger and included the necessary items in their boxes. We wanted them to know that they are loved and cared for and that we would do everything we can to make them feel that they are not alone. This gave the passengers an emotional support system, they knew they had someone that would be there for them throughout this ordeal. This was the most important issue during those turbulent and unpredictable days, at the beginning of the Coronavirus.It is our obligation to mention the crucial and amazing support of our dear friend Arik Amsalem, who gave his time, connections, money, effort, and love to help all he can.

During this time of difficulty with the coronavirus and its impact, it is a good time for introspection and action. G-d Almighty has taken away the possibility to travel freely and do many activities that were once part of our lives. But now we have much time for other very important things that maybe we have neglected or not paid much attention to. Family, friends, our spouse, our children, even ourselves, nature. Being emotionally available for the people around me. Seeing how I can be a help to the people around me. How can I be their support system. We must pay attention to the opportunity G-d has put before us. Secondly, every physical sickness is connected to our spiritual state. This is the time to add in good deeds and mitzvot. To do good. This is the best cure to help improve and refresh ourselves spiritually. To help us heal on all levels. Our society’s general spiritual health depends on every individual. Let us do or part. Moshiach now!

Boxes of relief delivered to Cruise ship passengers on Diamond princess in Japan
Rabbi Edery promotes Japanese artisans

Rabbi Edery promotes Japanese artisans

As the Corona hit Japan, many businesses were affected financially. Rabbi Edery is putting in lots of effort in helping small businesses all over Japan. He teamed up with a candle factory and Koma factory in Kyoto to produce special items in honor of the Chanuka festival. Such companies are dwindling in Japan and it is our responsibility to support these artisans. Special thanks to our dear friend Yuki Tokunaga and Rabbi Moty Grumach Chabad Kyoto. Today, Rabbi Edery met with the Japanese vice minister of Defense, Yasuhide Nakayama, to bless him for his new position in the government and wish him Happy Chanuka.


Chabad Tokyo New Year for Trees

Chabad Tokyo New Year for Trees


The rainy season begins in the Autumn, and for four months the earth gets saturated with rainwater. Today, the 15th of Shevat, the earth has enough water to grow its fruits for this year. That is why traditionally today is called the new year for trees. Trees are likened to human beings. Trees have roots, trunk and branches, and fruits. So too, we have our roots, which is our faith in G-d Almighty who provides all that we have. Strong roots are important as they protect the tree from falling and it holds it up strong. Even in the time of the Tsunami, many trees survived the gushing waters. The roots, nourish the entire tree. Our faith is actually what holds us up and nourishes us spiritually, all the time, especially in tough times. Our fruits are our good deeds and kindness, how we impact the people around us. Fruits make new trees, so there is continuous life. So too our good deeds are eternal and have an everlasting effect. One good deed, and an act of kindness on another person, creates a ripple effect in this world. I would like to take this opportunity and thank Niita san for his great generosity to bring us beautiful vegetables and fruits from Ibaraki, such as Satsumaimo, Kikuiimo, Kabu, Icho, kaki, tomatoes, watermelon, Leeks, and many more types. He has been bringing us many times a year, and we have been sharing it with our family and friends for Shabbat and Holiday meals. Today is the New Year for Trees.